Russia's financial collapse in August 1998 and the allegations of money laundering swirling around the Bank of New York have had a sobering effect on many banks here.
However, there were messages of defiance from other of football's senior politicians who bristled at the allegations swirling around Fifa.
Mr. Morgan's account is the most devastating of the latest allegations swirling around Mrs. Mandela, who is now appealing her six-year prison sentence.
As a special prosecutor, Salazar will have subpoena power to investigate the allegations swirling around Colorado's football program.
The phone hacking allegations must be counted the least of News International's problems, if the other allegations currently swirling around it turn out to be true.
He declined to be interviewed for this article, just as he has refused to discuss any of the many allegations swirling around his client in the past several months.
Because of all the allegations swirling around, it's our refuge.
On the national scene, the never-ending investigations, allegations and rumors swirling around the Democrats seemed like very bad daytime television.
The synod's ruling avoids direct reference to the allegations swirling around the Bishop, saying only that his mistakes "have led to division among the clergy and lay people."
Sixty-five percent of Americans said the news media had spent too much time covering the allegations swirling around Mr. Clinton, while 27 percent said it had been the right amount.