The prosecutors did not allege wrongdoing by the candidates.
While they did not allege criminal wrongdoing, they warned of the potential for it.
Also Syracuse is undergoing an internal investigation that was triggered after a series of newspaper articles alleged widespread wrongdoing in the basketball program.
But he offered no solid proof on Tuesday of a faulty count or fraud, only second-hand reports alleging wrongdoing.
The special investigator, who reports to the city's investigations commissioner but not to the Board of Education, can subpoena witnesses, interrogate them and draw up public reports alleging wrongdoing.
The league did not allege wrongdoing by Thomas, but neither did Stern exonerate him.
In the first investigation, the authorities pieced together purchase orders and other records, including checks and balance sheets, to allege wrongdoing by 16 current and former custodians.
"We are not alleging criminal wrongdoing," said Mr. Dingell, Democrat from Michigan, who is chairman of both the subcommittee and the full committee.
The charges did not allege wrongdoing at Amerindo's mutual funds, and when the firm was wound up there were no missing funds.
So you have to be careful about alleging wrongdoing.