The alleged assassin of former US president John F Kennedy lived here for a couple of years in his early 20s.
The alleged assassin was a member of Ilaga, a group known for its anti-Muslim sentiments.
All the alleged assassins were later released from Kuwaiti jails.
Another theory was based on the owner of Bremer's apartment building allowing reporters into the alleged assassin's apartment the night of the shooting.
The alleged assassin and two industrialists were convicted of his murder but released on appeal; their release is itself now subject to appeal.
Do you want to show me your gallery of alleged corporate assassins?
The website alleged that they have confessed to having met Charles of the LTTE intelligence and helping out two alleged assassins.
The 12th hearing of the trial of the alleged assassins of Hrant Dink was held in Istanbul on Monday.
"Can you tell me anything more about this alleged assassin who's coming to get me?"
The investigation was closed on 1 March 2010 after his alleged assassins were arrested and confessed to have killed him.