Meanwhile Asia Bibi, the jailed Christian woman whose case of alleged blasphemy had so appalled Taseer, continues to grow weaker in jail and more isolated.
While last autumn's support of an academic sentenced to death for alleged blasphemy also faded away.
The alleged blasphemy was the closing lines of Sassoon's poem 'Stand-to: Good Friday Morning':
The deliberations carried out at the tribunal returned a verdict confirming Unrug's guilt for the alleged blasphemy.
At the end of 2002, students held mass demonstrations protesting the death sentence of reformist lecturer Hashem Aghajari for alleged blasphemy.
In response to the indictment, Ibas laid before his judges a memorial signed by many of his clergy, denying that he had ever uttered the alleged blasphemies.
And yet Mr. Rizzo, 37, is not alone in his alleged blasphemy.
The alleged blasphemy was the broadcast of cartoons which were published originally in 2005 in the Danish magazine Jyllands-Posten.
The members attempt to formulate a plan to capture and interrogate Jesus over his alleged blasphemy.
The sentence of death was imposed on him by Ayatollah Khomeini for alleged blasphemy in his book The Satanic Verses.