An anonymous letter from Paris informed Sir William that gossips on the Continent were chattering about the events of that evening - and about Gordon-Cumming's alleged cheating.
And he killed two others in gun battles over alleged cheating.
The alleged cheating was ascribed to subsidiaries of foreign companies paying their parent corporations too much for goods and services.
Press reactions in Albania were not happy with the decision, and RTSH announced that they would investigate into alleged cheating by the final two judges to give their points.
The news story is based on an interview of AGB Nielsen's General Manager Maya Reforma regarding the alleged cheating.
Last November, in another instance of alleged cheating, the railroad left fliers on seats telling riders: "Your conductor is scrutinizing tickets more closely.
Sadie then flees to New York City with Tommy, who was fired from his job in the Alderson factory for alleged cheating.
Ella and Brian are on bad terms because of Brian's alleged cheating on her cousin, however, and tensions are high between the two.
Little Chris' brother, Ben, tells his version of events on the night of the alleged cheating leaving Mario angry as Little Chris sides with his brother over him.
Before moving to Australia in 1953, Stein's only experience of Andipodeans was an Australian schoolteacher who caned him for alleged cheating.