The charges against him were later dropped, but one of his alleged co-conspirators was jailed for four and a half years.
Spock and three of his alleged co-conspirators were convicted, although the five had never been in the same room together.
The indictment named five alleged co-conspirators (not indicted themselves):
They committed suicide, and their families and many alleged co-conspirators were executed.
Lee was in fact never indicted much less convicted of perjury or any other crime despite the accusations of his alleged co-conspirator Bentley.
Criminal charges were laid against the inmate and his alleged co-conspirators.
However, lawyers and diplomatic sources said he had negotiated a deal with the country's by agreeing to name the alleged co-conspirators in return for his freedom.
But the terrorists had been tipped off by an alleged co-conspirator and as the police moved in, they blew themselves up, taking vital evidence with them.
While Qari Saifullah gained his freedom, the other alleged co-conspirators were convicted.
He was tried along with the other alleged co-conspirators.