Following newspaper and television coverage of the alleged dangers that went with inoculation, the vaccination rate had fallen sharply.
In 2002, LaBarbera compared the alleged dangers of homosexuality to those of "smoking, alcohol and drug abuse".
I don't take too seriously the blogosphere brouhaha around the alleged danger of dynastic entitlement.
Just like your assessment of the alleged danger facing the Korvat conference.
Despite the alleged dangers of the lake, the Romans were happy to settle its shores, on which villas and vineyards were established.
So named due to the alleged additional danger posed to passengers in such cars (which are pushed by the heavier trailing locomotive) in frontal collisions.
"So the alleged danger of my changing the past is your primary concern."
There is also no substance to the alleged danger to public health, since no one aboard the vessel was carrying an infectious disease.
"I understand only that you want to gain some advantage for yourself from this alleged danger to us," said the Arkonide, leaning back.