If a person is sued over an alleged debt, that person bears the burden of proving the affirmative defense of accord and satisfaction.
Dyster said to forgive the alleged debt would amount to "a gift of public funds".
On July 24, the city council passed a resolution encouraging Dyster to stop pursuing the alleged debt by a 4-1 margin.
However, Clattenburg was later suspended from refereeing, pending an investigation into alleged debts incurred by companies to which he was connected.
The main issue with section 4 of this act is that it seeks to make the registered keeper totally responsible for the alleged debt.
Bellingham, about to return to Britain on 16 November 1804, had his travelling pass withdrawn because of the alleged debt.
The Labor Department simultaneously filed a complaint in federal bankruptcy court to prevent Vick from discharging his alleged debt to the MV7 pension plan.
I do not see how you can make the RK responsible for an alleged debt to a private organisation.
When security people investigated Lo Duca's alleged offshore debt, they didn't end their probe there.