The scandal now roiling the Kremlin involves an alleged effort to cover up evidence of illegal campaign spending and to squash a legal investigation of the matter.
An American reporter who wrote about alleged efforts to raise money in Taiwan has been charged there with criminal libel.
At one place there was a detachment of the 24th Infantry engaged in an alleged effort to repair the road.
It is illegal for companies to promote drugs for unapproved uses, but nearly every major drug company is under civil or criminal investigation for alleged efforts to do so.
Al-Zahawie was said to have been involved with Saddam Hussein's alleged efforts to acquire yellowcake uranium from Niger in Africa.
First, she refuted the allegations in Article 2, Subpart 1, with respect to alleged efforts to obstruct and influence Ms. Lewinsky's affidavit.
Second, she contradicted the allegations in Article 2, Subpart 2, with respect to alleged efforts to influence Ms. Lewinsky's testimony as distinct from her affidavit.
Third, she undermined the allegations in Article 2, Subpart 3, with respect to alleged efforts to conceal gifts.
If so, the investigation into China's alleged efforts may well have undermined the Chinese cause.