A crucial moment of the alleged extortion involved a call mentioned on the stand by Levine.
The alleged extortion of Rosenberg was one of the instances specifically mentioned in Cellini's indictment.
Another ex-wrestler, Mitsutomo Furuichi, is also rearrested for alleged extortion.
Colonel Oscar González of the high tech division of the Peruvian police stated that the U.S. federal investigation was interested in information related to Holloway's disappearance and the alleged extortion of her family.
"I knew exactly what he was trying to do with George Steinbrenner," Lilly said, alluding to Spira's alleged extortion of the Yankees' owner.
Despite of Chinese authorities' increasing awareness of environmental problems, Wu Lihong was arrested and tried for alleged extortion of one of the polluters (see Economist article).
The record amount of alleged extortion ensured that the incident had a very high profile in Russia.
Holleeder is currently on trial for the alleged extortion and murder of several real estate magnates in Amsterdam.
Ciriaco De Mita, a former prime minister of Italy and once leader of the Christian Democrats, was declared to be under investigation for alleged extortion as probes into corruption continue.
But United States District Judge John W. Bissell ruled that Arum could not testify about the alleged extortion of Foreman, because he had no direct knowledge of it.