The shooting was believed to have been started after Ibrahim Shkupolli, the alleged gunman, found that his ex-girlfriend had a lover at the grocery store where she worked.
Three people were arrested, including the alleged gunman.
On January 20, 2012, a judge set a trial date of April 16 for Eric Rivera, Jr., the alleged gunman in the case.
The alleged gunman's family has been contacted, and he has appointed a lawyer for his defence, who does not want to be identified.
Reports said the alleged gunmen had run a police checkpoint on the Cuernavaca-Mexico City motorway and officers gave chase.
He was also an alleged gunman in the famous 1929 St. Valentine's Day Massacre.
Another male, the alleged gunman, is also shot dead, possibly by his own hand.
Police identified the alleged lone gunman as John Marvin Jr., 45, a local resident with a lengthy criminal record.
This tragedy began long before the two alleged gunmen walked into their school.
Prosecutors will seek the death penalty against James Eagan Holmes, the alleged gunman in the 2012 Aurora shooting.