His daughter Gökçen wrote a biography, referring to diaries stretching back ten years, in order to correct alleged inaccuracies that were circulated after his death.
The district court analyzed each of the passages and held that the alleged inaccuracies did not raise a jury question.
He has also come under fire for the alleged historical inaccuracy of his attacks on the idea of nullification.
The film has come in for strong criticism from Helfgott's sister for a range of alleged inaccuracies, particularly for the portrayal of his father as a tyrannical despot.
Augustus Hopkins Strong presented another explanation of all the alleged inaccuracies reflected in the Hebrew Bible in his work, Systematic Theology: The Doctrine of God.
Kurlantzick has frequently been taken to task for alleged inaccuracies in his reporting, especially his preferred mode of "first-hand" accounts where the only support for his claims is in his notes.
The docudrama was widely criticized, especially from the left, for its alleged inaccuracies.
The film has been criticized by Chinese audiences for alleged historical inaccuracies.
Figes refuted many of the alleged inaccuracies, pointing out the errors introduced by the Russian translators, whilst expressing his regret for 'the handful of genuine errors' that remained.
But his writings on this issue have also drawn criticism from the judiciary for alleged inaccuracy.