German prosecutors are interested in hearing Sirven's evidence on alleged kickbacks paid when the east German company Leuna was sold to Elf in 1992.
The council had asked the American accounting firm KPMG International in February to assemble possible evidence of alleged kickbacks and bribes paid under the now-defunct program.
Sarkozy's camp is currently bogged down in a string of party funding scandals, notably the "Karachi affair" involving alleged kickbacks from arms sales to fund Right-wing politicians close to the president.
Further, in the case of Mr. Quattrocchi, as against the alleged kickback of Rs.
That's not all-the company was sued by investors in February over "hundreds of millions of dollars" in alleged kickbacks from Intel that were not disclosed in its earnings.
Of the 40 incidents of alleged kickbacks, twenty were confirmed.
Both executives were brought to Milan's San Vittore prison, where they were questioned about alleged kickbacks to political parties, the practice at the heart of the corruption scandal.
Bin Laden also touched on the row over alleged kickbacks paid to Saudi officials as part of the multibillion dollar al-Yamamah deal with Britain.
The judge ordered today that Mr. MacDonald and his son, Peter Jr., stand trial together in the cases involving the ranch and the alleged kickbacks.
Karunanidhi's daughter MK Kanimozhi arrested and sent to Tihar jail on 20-05-2011 for alleged kickbacks in 2G Scam.