He was an older contemporary and an alleged lover of Sappho, with whom he may have exchanged poems.
The wife of the alleged lover.
There is some evidence that Fard lived at least until the 1960s; his alleged lover stated that he had returned to New Zealand.
The FBI files on the case also contain a statement from one of Short's alleged lovers.
She refused to look at the jurors or at her alleged former lover.
-I think it was the queen's grandson, himself, not just some alleged lover.
Her husband's agents had become suspicious, followed her and discovered her alleged lover beneath her hotel bed.
The families of the alleged lovers remained close for several generations, moving together to Duxbury, Massachusetts, in the late 1620s.
She was executed in Mantua 1391 along with her alleged lover.
(It should also be noted that Julia's other alleged lovers were also unmentioned.)