Radical members of the homosexual-rights group ACT-UP stripped butt naked to draw attention to the Bush administration's alleged malfeasance towards the continuing AIDS epidemic raging across Africa.
In this case, the alleged malfeasance involved police officer Charles Senior's reporting that a town public works truck delivered borough topsoil to the property of the Borough Council President, who was cleared of any wrongdoing.
Between 1993 and 1997, Scaife gave the Spectator and the foundation that runs it $2.4 million to track down dirt on Clinton's alleged malfeasance.
Since the Republican Party was paying the bills, questions should be asked about what instructions it gave for its registration drives, and what it knew about the alleged malfeasance.
DPWatchDog is a website that has been established to track alleged anti-Semitism and other forms of alleged journalistic malfeasance in the Berkeley Daily Planet.
He had already let it be known that he wanted to investigate Halliburton, as well as its alleged malfeasance related to government contracts in Iraq.
Upon the series resumption in April 2013, Viki accepts Clint's marriage proposal, and concurrently hires freelance journalist Jeffrey King (Corbin Bleu) to investigate the alleged congressional malfeasance of junior U.S. senator Dorian.
Upon the arrival of Lord Cornbury in 1702, Nanfan's political enemies had him arrested for alleged malfeasance in office.
Since Colom took power, two of his interior ministers have been indicted for corruption (a third died in a mysterious helicopter crash), and four consecutive heads of the national police have been dismissed, indicted, or jailed for alleged malfeasance.
In fact, fear of wrongful termination suits has often made employers think twice before firing someone for alleged malfeasance.