Another resolution refers to the alleged manipulation of means of communication by subversive groups and said that to combat this, "it is necessary to count on personnel trained to achieve greater efficiency in psychological operations."
In 2002 the National Rainbow Coalition won political control of Kenya but the country remained politically unstable with alleged electoral manipulation which was widely confirmed by international observers in the 2007 elections.
Certain opposition supporters, angered by alleged electoral manipulation by President Kibaki, allegedly incited civil unrest.
Keiser has labeled JPMorgan Chase "the biggest financial terrorist on Wall Street" in relation to their alleged manipulation of the price of silver.
Hunter was the target of a $30 million fine to be levied by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in connection with the alleged manipulation of natural gas prices in 2006.
He was especially unhappy with Montes' alleged manipulation of the 1908 elections (which he annulled) and his re-election and return to power for the 1913-17 period.
Regardless, newspapers the next day criticized Bryant for his alleged manipulation of the team.
Tyumen's main offense was its alleged manipulation of bankruptcy proceedings to take over a Siberian oil field previously owned by American and other foreign investors.
As the indictment states, the alleged manipulation of our stock was concealed from us.
City Slickers: The jury have been told to consider whether an alleged manipulation of the stock market could have continued after the two former columnists stopped investing in shares.