However Chinese sources do not mention the alleged massacre.
One such alleged massacre occurred on 6 January 1993 in the town of Sopore.
Even after the alleged massacre, the Jains continued to be concentrated in Madurai during the 8th and the 9th centuries.
"How did the subject of the alleged massacre come up?"
"He didn't attempt to stop this alleged massacre?"
"Did Lieutenant Tyson leave the operating room during the alleged massacre?"
Mr Ouattara said he would also establish a truth and reconciliation committee to investigate alleged massacres perpetrated by both sides.
The alleged massacres of 500 Maoist guerrillas in May, if it is true, will only make the situation worse.
The Congolese Government, in fact, was preventing it from investigating the alleged massacres in the country.
Just 100 days into his term, he was indicted by a war crimes tribunal for the alleged massacre in 1998.