Apparently, Deborah had eavesdropped on a number of telephone conversations between her father and his alleged mistress.
In March 2010, Cynthia Shackelford won a $9 million suit against her husband's alleged mistress.
One of the alleged mistresses of Tiger Woods, Jaimee Grubbs, has apologised to the golfer's wife on US entertainment show Extra.
The alleged former mistress of Tiger Woods revealed the news on her Twitter account on Tuesday night.
Allred also represented Joslyn James, a pornographic actress and Woods's alleged mistress.
Alexandru's mother and Carol's alleged mistress was Elena Samurcaş, married to Toma Tzigara.
In late 2007, a federal grand jury indicted Carona, his wife, and his alleged longtime mistress on corruption charges.
Wyse also brought his wife, who appeared in his promotion as a ring card girl, as well another ring card girl as his alleged mistress.
The Earl's pending divorce from the mother of his four children has produced allegations of caddish behavior not only from his wife, but from an alleged former mistress as well.
She also said she had not physically assaulted Omar's alleged mistress.