The alleged plotters were charged with treason.
However, the following day Chief Minister Kitingan, who had close links with one of the alleged plotters, denied that any such plot existed.
Another alleged plotter, Greg Wales, also made five calls to Sir Mark Thatcher in the days after the failed coup.
The alleged plotters were tried and found guilty on 27 February 1984.
For more than a year, the trial of the alleged plotters of the 1962 assassination attempt occupied center stage.
Two more alleged plotters, Joseph Goudie and Joe Slumpstick were arrested.
The alleged plotters were convicted by a military court and awarded different sentences ranging from 2 to 14 years.
All of the other alleged plotters have also been released from prison and are now settled in Pakistan leading normal lives as citizens.
Twelve "real or alleged plotters" were arrested, and hanged on June 24.
Similar information had been conveyed to the British government by alleged German plotters since the time of Munich and nothing had come of it.