Turf rats, some people called them, guys who cared more about credits, building a resume, than their alleged purpose.
It's bad if the alleged purpose of the transfer is to get the recipient to do something useful, like invest or hire more workers.
The meeting comes to order, the spokesman of the task force stating the alleged purpose of the meeting, which is a lie.
They had applied for leave for the alleged purpose of visiting Pietermaritzburg.
Rørholt held a false identity as an insurance agent, and was thus allowed to travel freely with the alleged purpose of visiting customers.
Disproportionate sentences with the alleged purpose of reforming the offender were to be rejected.
"The alleged purpose of these usa things is to raise troop morale," the general said.
The sense behind the word therefore mirrors the alleged purpose of the operation as asserted by the government of Zimbabwe.
The nation has been infamous for alleged fraudulent purposes.
The alleged purpose of the sanctions is to get rid of Saddam Hussein.