- Here's another story about an alleged slur, this time in the OHL.
ABC and the show's producers received viewer backlash due to an alleged slur against Filipino doctors included in the episode.
Following the episode's broadcast, the show's producers and ABC were criticized for including an alleged racial slur in the episode.
One of the sources heard the alleged slur while standing outside the door; a second wrote Mrs. Clinton a letter in 1997 apologizing for negative things he had told people who were writing books critical of the Clintons.
She was already under heavy criticism for running an insubstantial campaign, for a couple of alleged racial slurs and for putting on airy television commercials that dealt with her role as a grandmother, not with issues.
Just because ESPN reported the alleged slur, and The Los Angeles Times cites three unnamed sources as having confirmed it, the rest of the world should not necessarily take it as gospel.
According to the Associated Press, the alleged racial slur "fed growing outrage over the police department's initial decision not to arrest Zimmerman."
This explains why stories about alleged racial slurs among Texaco executives and the wave of church burnings in the South were still being framed as bias news long after the evidence showed that this framing was wrong.
On 12 June 2010 Tahu walked out of the New South Wales State of Origin camp because of an alleged racial slur made by assistant coach Andrew Johns.
Malo has stated that Hockey Canada never should have hired hockey player Shane Doan because of an alleged slur he made toward French Canadians.