The affair began when three military intelligence servicemen allegedly brutally arrested a civilian, hired by the Ministry of the Interior for espionage.
She was arrested together with her husband and sentenced to eight years in labour camps allegedly for supporting Trotskyism.
Castillo was arrested and allegedly confessed; other accounts claim he maintained his innocence until his death.
In March 2010, he was allegedly arrested in connection with real estate development tax fraud accusations, as the Dutch press had reported.
Fazlullah was allegedly arrested by Pakistani security forces while coming back from Afghanistan.
The three were arrested allegedly in possession of what was believed to be cannabis on December 15.
In 1933, Gayibova was arrested and incarcerated allegedly for espionage and counter-revolutionary activity.
On 7 June, he was asked to come to the police station to collect it, at which point he was arrested and allegedly beaten again.
On 22 August 2011, he was allegedly arrested by the National Liberation Army.
Many of those arrested allegedly were tortured.