Richardson allegedly brought a gun into the Tigers' basketball arena after an argument with assistant coach Hosea Lewis.
Prosecutors filed weapons charges against a seven-year-old boy who allegedly brought a loaded pistol to the school and threatened the life of a fellow student in March 1999.
Photographs he allegedly brought with him when he came to Minnesota after leaving a Washington State correctional facility.
On Wednesday he was arrested and suspended for allegedly bringing a gun into school.
The drug operation allegedly brought 1.5 to 2 tons of cocaine every month to Chicago from Mexico and shipped millions of dollars south of the border.
All the papers report that federal agents broke an illegal alien smuggling ring that allegedly brought Asian workers to the United States.
The airline cited chronic, unreasonable complaints, numerous confrontations with employees, and verbal abuse that allegedly brought employees to tears.
Walking around the stone seven times will allegedly bring good luck.
He allegedy had an affair with Leung for 20 years, and allegedly brought classified materials to their trysts.
Some would argue the other way, noting that America's Pilgrims came from Europe - and allegedly brought honeybee hives with them.