A ship was found near West Africa allegedly carrying child slaves.
Several attempts have failed to salvage cargo from the 'General Grant', which allegedly carried bullion.
The partners were met with such hostility that they allegedly carried concealed weapons in order to protect themselves against angry members of Congress.
Carter was arrested on September 7, 2008 for allegedly carrying a concealed firearm.
The message allegedly carried a warning to Greece about Persian invasion plans.
The group was allegedly carrying bats and sticks in their hands.
In 2007 Iranian authorities captured 14 squirrels, which were allegedly carrying spying equipment.
He could allegedly carry two men, one on each of his shoulders, and then climb slopes on the run, just for exercise.
Asok is trained to sleep only on national holidays, a trait that he allegedly carried over from his alma mater.
Smith was allegedly carrying a large dark blue suitcase which he said contained "some old documents and papers" for a business associate.