That same year, the Spanish government arrested 23 leaders of Herri Batasuna for allegedly collaborating with ETA.
The move follows a justifiable outcry over harsh sentences imposed by martial-law courts against people who allegedly collaborated during the Iraqi occupation.
The victims include political prisoners, civilians who were killed by US forces, and civilians who allegedly collaborated with communist North Korea or local communist groups.
But in June as in previous months, more Palestinians were killed by fellow Palestinians for allegedly collaborating with Israel than by Israeli troops.
This came after Hamas gunmen publicly shot a Gaza resident multiple times in the head for allegedly collaborating with Israeli authorities.
Danzan was arrested and charged with counterrevolution for allegedly collaborating with Japanese intelligence as his nickname suggested.
The latter allegedly collaborated with Michele Sanmicheli, who had been usually credited as the designer of the whole construction[1].
Senada allegedly collaborated with The Residents on their pre-Santa Dog work, and then disappeared.
In order to '"optimize conditions'", "unwanted elements" which allegedly collaborated with the Germans and the Soviets were "removed".
The focus of his investigation is the so-called Condor Plan, in which the military juntas of various Latin American countries allegedly collaborated to eliminate their enemies.