He allegedly controlled the rackets on the South Side of Chicago, the south suburbs, and parts of Northern Indiana (Al Capone's old stomping grounds).
Abramo allegedly controlled other small-cap stock dealers through brokers and traders owing allegiance to him.
The Central Bureau of Investigation put a prize of 50,000 dollars on Dawood Ibrahim, who allegedly controls a criminal empire in the western Indian city from an unknown safe haven abroad.
Rappaport was also the person who allegedly controlled bank accounts which received $10 million for the Contras.
He allegedly controlled organized criminal operations in Florida and Cuba, which had previously been consolidated from several rival gangs by his father, Santo Trafficante, Sr.
He started a campaign against the corporations allegedly controlling and supporting Eminem.
Czech Coal allegedly controls the largest coal reserves in the Czech Republic.
However, the main theme of the platform was an attack on the domination of politics by business interests, which allegedly controlled both established parties.
The platform's main theme was reversing the domination of politics by business interests, which allegedly controlled the Republicans' and Democrats' parties, alike.