In the video she stated that she was going to be unfairly evicted from her house and also described allegedly embarrassing personal details of Smith's life.
The change, which was an administrative action, was due to a realignment of airlift forces and the new title was selected because it allegedly better described the mission.
The other two ciphertexts allegedly describe the content of the treasure, and list the names of the treasure's owners' next of kin, respectively.
His PIP gel cost a fraction of the price of the officially approved Nusil gel, and he allegedly described it as "better".
The same report noted his substantial intellect, allegedly describing him as being in the top 5 percentile of the population in terms of intelligence.
Litvinenko claims he was given this information by Trofimov, whom allegedly described Prodi as "our man in Italy".
He allegedly described Baader after the meeting as being an "idiot" ("Quel con !")