Johnny Rogan in his book says, "this impressive ballad was allegedly inspired by Stephen Stills."
Others were allegedly inspired by God: Te Kooti was becoming increasingly misguided by his visions.
Pollard's brother, Jim, thought of "zoo thousand", allegedly inspired by a mile marker reading "Z1000".
Aimed at the whole family, the film was allegedly inspired by The Wizard of Oz with the basic premise being a road trip.
Henrik Ibsen was allegedly inspired by Andersen at the time.
In the 1880s, Shimer became wealthy by speculating on real estate in Iowa, allegedly inspired by a dream.
The story was allegedly inspired by the discovery of unusually warm water in Antarctica in 1947.
He was allegedly inspired to his craft while he was an apprentice clockmaker; when a customer brought in a musical snuffbox to be repaired.
This was allegedly inspired by the presence of cannibals, volcanic activity and other unpleasant features of the island at the time of its discovery.
Hale started playing piano on his own at age four, allegedly inspired by seeing the film Sound of Music for the first time.