One building reproduces the "tiger cages" in which the South Vietnamese government allegedly kept political prisoners.
Moreover, evidence shows that because homeowners would allegedly keep their homes for longer, young households often rent for longer before buying a house.
Although he already formed the band, he allegedly kept on working as a trucker because he thought that "The entertainment world is scary".
By culling unhealthy animals, wolves allegedly keep game herds healthy.
The soldiers allegedly kept part of his skull.
Constantine allegedly kept for himself only the Eastern Roman Empire.
When Saltburn Bank was only a track, two eccentric ladies who lived in the house allegedly kept a lion for a pet.
Despite lifesupport, which allegedly kept her suit at a comfortable temperature, she shivered and sweated simultaneously.
'Consumers' is another favourite ..... all these 'things' we allegedly keep demanding.
Mukhabarat el-Jamahiriya allegedly kept Libyan society under surveillance, preventing even open demonstrations.