Inflation is high, the underpaid police are generally regarded as corrupt, and the local Roman Catholic archbishop is in disgrace for allegedly molesting seminarians.
WAVE's Young reported on May 13 that then editor of the Belize Times, Michael Rudon, was under lockdown for allegedly molesting a primary school student.
In 2011 three Chinese workers were arrested for allegedly molesting local girls by taking advantage of their deprived economic status.
Taub goes to find the boy that Bresson allegedly molested to tell him he should get tested for AIDS.
The settlement did not require them to admit molesting Inuit children, but accusations involved 13 or 14 priests who allegedly molested these children for 30 years.
She is also on an extended break from school for allegedly molesting a male student.
From fall of 1993 to March 1994, Harper allegedly molested two girls in Hernando, Mississippi.
She was allegedly first molested around the age of three.
He was later accused of taking too little action in handling John Geoghan, a Boston priest who allegedly molested over 130 children during his ministry.
His principal victim was a girl he allegedly molested regularly over a number of years, from the time she was 7.