A gentleman's Club in London, the Savage Club, is also allegedly named after him.
Although Olive Hill was allegedly named by Elias P. Davis for his friend Thomas Oliver, there is no evidence to support this popular contention.
It was allegedly named by Leo Frank, the postmaster of Louisa in neighboring Lawrence County, for his daughter.
The village was allegedly named after the church because of the two large oil paintings hanging in the nave.
Their first son, Francis Gorges (d. in or before 1599), was probably born in 1579; and allegedly named after their close friend, Sir Francis Drake.
It was allegedly named after Cadina, a daughter of an Old Prussian chief.
The name of the island is allegedly named "Rose Island" because at low tide the island appears to be shaped like a rose.
The community was allegedly also named Fungo for the entertainment at the local saloon.
The name virachilai is an eponym, etymologically derived from veera chalai or veera saali, a place allegedly named by Lord Rama.
Mahony claims Zapata's oil rigs were used as staging bases for drug shipments, allegedly named "Operation Whale Watch."