In May 2001, he was sued by a Topeka grocery store where he allegedly passed a bad $50 check.
Reynolds allegedly passed a letter written as Kodee to Michael Brenner, then a sports editor, at the Egyptian, which prompted a feature story published May 6, 2003.
Technically, however, Mr. Hanssen was not charged with treason, but with espionage and conspiracy to commit espionage for allegedly passing classified information to a foreign power.
The filing did not name the five individuals to whom Mr. Taffet allegedly passed the information.
After Napoleon's defeat, he allegedly passed through Lelov and told the Rebbe that he was indeed correct.
In May the Yugoslav Government convicted three CARE humanitarian workers in a closed military trial for allegedly passing on secret information to a foreign organization, namely, CARE.
He allegedly passed legislation regarding the opening of the Peace Bridge, Buffalo's international gateway to Canada.
The second most important piece of information he allegedly passed along concerned the Battle of Stalingrad - the turning point in the war which is considered one of the bloodiest and largest battles in history.
Cleveland Assistant Chief Constable Robert Turnbull said Mallon had been suspended for "alleged activities that could be construed as criminal conduct" and "allegedly passing on information about the inquiry to a third party."
Paramount allegedly passed on Babylon 5, but later announced Deep Space Nine was in development two months after Warner Bros. announced its plans for Babylon 5.