Ndahimana was the mayor of Kivumu, his birthtown in Rwanda, where he allegedly perpetrated the hunting and killing of Tutsi people.
Ed Walters, a building contractor, in 1987 allegedly perpetrated a hoax in Gulf Breeze, Florida.
His parents said that he was moved by stories of atrocities allegedly perpetrated by the Northern Alliance army against civilians.
Anthony Orlando Sanchez is wanted for conspiracy in connection with several extortion schemes allegedly perpetrated by himself and three co-conspirators.
During therapy sessions, Roy recounted traumatic events from his childhood, including severe physical and sexual abuse allegedly perpetrated by his stepfather.
It describes a practical joke allegedly perpetrated in 1824 by a retired ship carpenter named Lozier.
Both sides allegedly perpetrated encroachments on or off the reservation.
Alfi survived an assassination attempt in Cairo perpetrated allegedly by Islamist militants on 18 August 1993.
It gained attention in September 2011 when it became the target of an arson attack allegedly perpetrated by militant Jewish settlers.