The scheme allegedly represented the last opportunity for large-scale hydroelectric development of this magnitude in New Zealand.
Likewise, CDI allegedly represented that it had the backing of a special overseas bank when no such relationship existed.
And about an Expressionist portrait, he wrote to a friend: "I received the drawing which allegedly represents your head.
And since each collection allegedly represents the best, one reads them with a sinking feeling: is this it, all there is?
Take this Duqu here, it allegedly represents Stuxnet part2.
Maybe the owners are paying the price for having dominated the players while Alan Eagelson was allegedly representing the players.
I had hoped that our representatives would pull through for us this time and speak up for the women they allegedly represent.
Appearing on the first page, it allegedly represents the symbolic thunderclap associated with the fall of Adam and Eve.
Our people are denied even the semblance of political power, electing careerist politicians who allegedly represent our interests.
These documents allegedly represent a contract by Iraq to purchase uranium "yellowcake" from Niger.