In 2005, Fazio came under heavy pressure to resign (which he eventually did) over his role in allegedly rigging the competition to take over an Italian bank, Banca Antonveneta, earlier in the year.
The leader of the Orange Democratic Movement, Kenya's main opposition party, has refused to call off a "million-man" march scheduled for tomorrow in protest at last week's allegedly rigged vote.
February 8 - General Motors sues NBC, after Dateline NBC allegedly rigged two crashes showing that some GM pickups can easily catch fire if hit in certain places.
The scandal involved former president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, who allegedly rigged the 2004 national election in her favor.
The scandal eventually sparked a Federal investigation into hiring practices at Chicago City Hall, with Robert Sorich, Mayor Daley's former patronage chief, facing mail fraud charges for allegedly rigging city hiring to favor people with political connections.
She gave no details, but EU officials said measures being considered included visa bans on those accused of allegedly rigging the poll and possible asset freezes, but not economic sanctions against the former Soviet republic.
According to Wired Magazine, Traffic Power had been "banned from Google for allegedly rigging search engine results."
Contesting the 1977 elections jointly the PNA launched a national campaign against the government after the controversial and allegedly rigged results showing the Peoples Party as an overwhelming victory in the general elections.
A new indictment announced last week charged Filion and the others with grand larceny and conspiracy in the theft of more than $200,000 in losing bets on the races they allegedly rigged.