Gingerbread men are first attributed to Queen Elizabeth I, who allegedly served the figurines to foreign dignitaries.
If convicted, Mr. Montefusco, who allegedly served as a lookout for the burglars, could face up to seven years in prison for the burglary charge.
At that time, Viracopos even appeared on the Guinness Book of Records as the furthest airport from the city it allegedly served.
The village was originally known as "Cuckoldstown", perhaps for an inn that allegedly served as a meeting place for illicit rendezvous.
The alleged Front allegedly served as an Iranian proxy in the 1980s.
It later allegedly served as the inspiration for the popular Atari Gauntlet series.
After a brief military career (he allegedly served as an officer in the papal army), he worked as a librarian in his hometown, Nuremberg.
Heywood also allegedly served as a middleman for the family, helping them clandestinely move large sums of money overseas.
Basra allegedly served in the Afghan War on the mujahideen side, receiving a bullet wound in the leg.
Eight of the defendants allegedly served as couriers for the ninth defendant--the conspiracy's leader.