In 1945, Keeney was allegedly transferred from the GRU to the NKVD.
The former U.S. officials have also disclosed that China had allegedly transferred technology to Pakistan and conducting putative test for it in 1980.
One of the charges relates to 40 million soms ($977,000) in state funds allegedly transferred to a company controlled by his son.
The equipment was allegedly transferred in hotel rooms in Tokyo and transported, in ordinary luggage, to Hong Kong and Singapore, and ultimately to Iran, investigators say.
He was allegedly transferred to the Homsieh hill then to Israel.
Israeli news reports have stated that chemical weapons, and missiles with chemical warheads from Libya have been transferred to Palestinians in Gaza, with some allegedly transferred via Sudan, although Sudanese officials have denied the accusations.
The name was then allegedly transferred into Sejny.
From 1997 onward, the bank allegedly knowingly transferred large sums to Hama controlled organizations in the West Bank and Gaza.
In June 1949, those elements of the 3rd Division that were stationed at Hamhung were allegedly transferred to new locations, in a move that was designed to make room for newly-organized units of the North Korean Army.
Union funds were allegedly transferred as fees to companies doing business with the union or as donations to outside political organizations.