Silk is an allegorical character, as is typical for Wolfe's work.
The problem with allegorical characters is that they walk a predetermined path and respond in predetermined ways.
Besides the director's family, the imaginary visitors include friends, fellow artists, historical figures and allegorical characters.
His strengths are mannered dialogue, heavily telegraphed action and allegorical characters.
It is filled with allegorical characters who resemble figures from the Bible and the Koran.
Nature and Nurture appear as two allegorical characters fighting for the mind and body of Silence.
Fuller's earliest works were travel romances set in Italy that featured allegorical characters.
The Italian text consists of a dialogue among four allegorical characters.
But it is Scarlatti's droll attitude toward the allegorical characters that makes the work seem an entertainment.
Sinnekins, then, are allegorical characters who, in some way, instruct the audience on folly through their temptation of the main character.