The first approach is to accept the Aggadah as literally true, without admission of any hidden, allegorical explanation - even where a literal interpretation runs counter to common sense.
They would not have thanked anyone for any allegorical explanation of some portions of the Holy Bible which is a stumbling block to some sinners, and possibly some saints.
Sefer Pe'ah, an allegorical explanation of haggadic passages in the Talmud and the Midrash (Neubauer, "Cat.
Like Origen, he is strongly influenced by Plato's philosophy, and uses to a great extent the allegorical explanation of Scripture.
The story is seen as an allegorical explanation of the fact that kumara won't grow south of Banks Peninsula.
An allegorical explanation: If you somehow suspended powder particles in a pure gas, when the gas was squeezed it would get hot, and the powder would absorb some of the heat.
He also condemned allegorical explanation.
Modern academics have suggested this tale is an allegorical explanation of the fact that kumara will not grow south of Banks Peninsula.
A fair allegorical explanation, thought Waldo.
The postdiction resorts to tenuous allegorical explanations to turn literal misses into hits.