This allegorical language continues through the other parts of the work.
It moved even sober scientists like Seaborg to allegorical language.
In the 536-page book, he seeks to analyze the metaphorical and allegorical language used by Bob Dylan.
But I had an unfortunate tendency to express conservative principles in realistic rather than allegorical language.' '
You have again mistaken allegorical language for the ordinary usage of everyday speech.
"Mystical texts are often written in the allegorical language of tales."
For instance, the apocalyptic writings and poetry have more figurative and allegorical language than does the narrative or historical writing.
The images, symbolism, and allegorical language used throughout the Revelation are impossible to fathom or interpret without a fairly comprehensive knowledge of the original "Testament".
Genesis was about real events, but God through Moses described them in figurative or allegorical language.
Often these resist direct reference or description, with the consequence that the authors of various Sufi treatises took recourse to allegorical language.