It's a garish one-act musical drama taken from a convoluted allegorical play by Oskar Kokoschka about violently erotic battles between the sexes in times of antiquity.
During the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries these developed into the Morality play, an allegorical play intended to exhort the audience to the virtuous life.
The author of the allegorical play is unknown, and only a fragment of 732 verses has been preserved.
He wrote music for at least nine allegorical religious plays that were performed in public for Corpus Christi.
Mr. Haidle may have been attempting to echo Yeats's allegorical plays, but allegory is not the same as stereotype.
He also penned several allegorical plays in the Irish language, including The King, The Master, and The Singer.
The whole system is transmitted to initiates through the medium of Masonic ritual, which consists of lectures and allegorical plays.
When the king is out hunting, Sappho surprises him and stages an allegorical play for him, by which the Hymas learns the truth.
It is arguably the most overtly and extensively allegorical of Lyly's allegorical plays.