A 25-year-old single man, for example, might choose an aggressive life-style fund that allocates more dollars to stocks than to bonds or cash.
This year the Russian space agency has been allocated less than $300 million dollars.
In addition, the bill sets new nutrition standards for schools, and allocates $4.5 billion dollars for their implementation.
In 1999, the City Council joined the state in allocating several million dollars to expand the plan.
The state agreed to allocate more than a million dollars to the city to design and rebuild Canal Street Park.
The Brazilian government is planning to allocate $1 billion dollars for the project in the next six years.
In 2011 the Foundation allocated 1 million dollars to humanitarian and social projects.
The Legislature allocated 21 million dollars for this phase of the program.
In 1975, North was allocated 1.7 million dollars from a bond issue.
She allocated $90,000 dollars in her will to the Actors' Fund.