Again, speaking slots are allocated to parties based on their size.
The seats in one house would be allocated to political parties according to the number of votes they receive nationwide, rather than by constituency.
The same calculation process is then repeated, until all 9 leveling seats have been allocated to specific parties.
The Sainte-Laguë method is used for allocating parliamentary seats to parties.
The seats will be allocated to parties in proportion to their overall share of the vote.
Riparian water rights are allocated to parties in ownership of land adjacent to a body of water.
The votes reported so far apply to seats allocated to political parties, which account for only half of the 450 seats in the lower house.
Party lists are an abstract concept, and seats are allocated to particular parties, and many people cannot identify with that.
There was some free time provided for political messages, but 90 percent of this was allocated to parties in the previous government.
These seats are not tied to districts; rather, they are allocated to parties based on each party's share of the national vote.