Then, any company that sold more than its allotted share in one year was required to purchase the excess from another conspirator the following year.
French authorities were also frustrated in their ability to limit the Indians' taking of more than their allotted share of rations.
Still, the whole argument about quotas appears irrelevant, since the big OPEC producers, with the exception of the Saudis, are exceeding their allotted shares.
Under pressure from abroad, foreign firms have been allowed to participate in the syndicate, but their allotted shares fall short of those of large Japanese firms.
All the allotted shares are granted only if BT's total return ranks in the top 25 among the 100 companies in the index.
Each allotted share must be paid up to at least one quarter of its nominal value together with the whole of any premium.
California currently uses more than its allotted share of water from the Colorado River.
In recent years, the soaring costs of Medicaid have meant a spike in property taxes for communities trying to pony up their allotted share of state health costs.
He permits them to eat the rations of the men that had been killed in action, standing up to the chef Ginger who would only allow them their allotted share.
You must also deliver a director's statement confirming that the reduction does not exceed 10% of the nominal value of allotted shares immediately following reduction.