According to the iPhone OS 3.0 launch event, the iPhone will allow blocking of objectionable apps in the iPhone's settings.
The future of per-line blocking is uncertain, because the Federal Communications Commission is considering a national rule that would allow only per-call blocking and would supersede New York's rule.
SafeSquid allows blocking of certain MIME types (file types, such as audio, video, or Flash).
It is claimed the proposal would allow government restriction or blocking of information disseminated via the internet and create a global regime of monitoring internet communications - including the demand that those who send and receive information identify themselves.
Pharmacological manipulations also allow blocking of certain neurotransmitters temporarily as the function returns to its previous state after the drug has been metabolized.
Allows blocking of file-sharing applications.
Commission officials argued that allowing widespread blocking of Caller ID would make the service less marketable and could stunt the development of creative new services that most consumers would welcome.
Over time, this issue was eliminated by switch-billing instead of billing at the SMSC and by new features within SMSCs to allow blocking of foreign mobile users sending messages through it.
Fortunately, however the use of different port numbers allows easy blocking of version 0 through simple IP access lists.
The key for a patent holder is getting the proper definition of words used in the patent to allow blocking of the particular troublesome competitive product.