That, the groups say, would amount to a backdoor way of allowing brokers to charge whatever they want.
The 1995 law allowing brokers to charge market value for tickets to concerts and sports events has increased competition, supporters say.
The practice of allowing brokers to vote their clients' shares for directors in annual elections is highly unusual, he said.
Consumer advocates hailed the end of the trial, which they said had allowed brokers to charge two or three times the box office price, and sometimes far more.
Allowing brokers to fill in the blanks on contracts of sale has spurred lawsuits around the country.
But consumer groups have opposed that, saying that this would simply amount to a backdoor way of allowing brokers to charge as much as they wanted.
This program allows consumers, agents, and brokers to submit smaller life insurance policies as lows as $50,000 for evaluation and purchase.
This has allowed foreign brokers to enlist as dealers on the Nigerian Stock Exchange, and investors of any nationality are free to invest.
Managers also allowed brokers to hire strippers to perform in the office, the Craanes say.
The big concession for them was allowing brokers to lend stock in their inventories to short-sellers.