A hatch in the port side allowed cargo or troops to be carried in the main cabin.
Many countries allow cargo and refueling planes to cruise their airspace, but will not permit fighter-bombers to do so.
Hubs make out the center of spoke-hub distribution paradigms, allowing passengers and cargo to be transported from one place to another without a direct service.
Similar to the Honda Odyssey, the rear seats are capable of folding into completely flat surfaces to allow larger cargo inside if necessary.
The pavement-quality concrete apron allows cargo to be off loaded directly to the terminal, thus enabling operational speed.
Instead, the door swung outward, allowing cargo to be stored directly behind it.
The gravity chutes were troughs allowing cargo to be sent down a cliff to a ship.
The entire rear section (including tail surfaces) was detachable to allow cargo to be loaded directly into the fuselage.
It built five-masted schooners whose design allowed cargo to be loaded both fore and aft.
The wharf allowed cargo to be directly loaded onto the port for the first time.