A sensible policy would allow deductions for basic medical care, but require individuals to pay tax on anything more.
If the Government wants to allow medical deductions, fine, that I can understand.
In 1948 Congress allowed marital deductions for the estate and the gift tax.
Moreover, Section 190 of the 1986 tax law allows deductions up to $35,000 a year for such modifications.
Six states, in fact, still allow deductions for interest on money you borrow to buy Treasury bonds.
It would have allowed deductions for up to $2,000 in educational outlays by parents whose children attended public or private schools, including religious ones.
Some states in the United States allow few personal deductions.
Only some states, though, allow itemized deductions for individuals.
Generally, it will not allow deductions on 1987 returns for prepayments of expenses beyond 1988.
There is however precedent in allowing deduction of this time and it will be allowed against your total sentence.