This allows diagnosis of hearing loss prior to discharge from the hospital as a newborn.
Being aware of risk factors may allow earlier diagnosis and treatment.
An arterial blood gas analysis and chest X-ray allow formal diagnosis by the below mentioned criteria.
Money and time would be saved with an app which allowed quick diagnosis and advice on any possible disease or condition suffered by an animal.
In a way, there's almost a sense of relief that our field, psychiatry, can be objectified enough" to allow diagnosis "without emotional or personal biases.
In many cases, colonoscopy allows accurate diagnosis and treatment without the need for a major operation.
In straightforward cases, knee arthroscopy allows quick diagnosis and simultaneous treatment.
Radiological examination allows early diagnosis and staging of ainhum.
His studies led to the development of electrical-response audiometry, which allowed diagnosis of hearing difficulties in infants.
Often, this condition is recognized after a puppy fails to grow, allowing early diagnosis.