He had a vision of eliminating child labor everywhere and allowing education to become highly accessible for children.
The industry is lobbying hard to allow private investment in Indian higher education.
This will allow further education for 16-18 year olds.
He pledged to allow religious education in schools and to return church property, promises later broken.
Perhaps he only meant to allow higher education to take part in the general greed frenzy that has become the UK economy.
A graduate tax would allow education to be free at the point of delivery.
The government promoted women's rights, allowing them education and service in the armed forces.
As you don't have to pay anything upfront it will allow poorer families to access higher education, enabling social mobility.
During the founding years, the guiding vision involved "allowing research and education to have an impact 'beyond' the traditional universities".
This allowed education to continue, albeit in a disrupted fashion.